Past events
Held February 29 at the South San Francisco Conference Center
In 2016, we adopted a one-day regional conference format, focused on bringing together advocates, scientists, health care providers and presenting the most current thinking about how to best understand, prevent and cure breast cancer and provided extensive opportunities for attendees to build connections, establish collaborative partnerships and generate truly multidisciplinary research.

2013: FROM RESEARCH TO ACTION: Two Decades of Change
Held May 17-18 at the Hilton Orange County in Costa Mesa
This statewide symposium commemorated 20 years of innovative research. Advocates, scientists, health care providers, policy makers and public citizens gathered to learn about the advances made in breast cancer research and the work that has yet to be done.

- Symposium program (pdf)
- View videos of the sessions Note: This is an outbound link to Vimeo.
2010: From Research to Action: Tools for Change
Held September 24-25 at the Oakland Marriott and Convention Center in Oakland
This statewide forum brought together nearly 500 scientists, health care and social service providers, and women whose lives have been affected by the disease. Together, we learned about new methods, tools, and approaches that we are using to break barriers that have for decades stymied advances against breast cancer. The symposium provided an opportunity for scientists to share the progress of their research, and for women affected by breast cancer to share their concerns and hopes. It was also a chance for all of us to rededicate ourselves to our shared goal of eliminating the suffering caused by breast cancer.

- Symposium program (pdf)
- View details and hear audio recordings of the sessions Please note: Some of the audio files are quite large. Please be patient while they download.
- Hear stories from the 2010 symposium
2007: From Research to Action: Breaking New Ground
Held September 7 - 9 at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles
This statewide forum brought together nearly 600 attendees of all backgrounds to review and discuss the latest information in breast cancer research and the role of the California Breast Cancer Research Program in advancing against the disease. Researchers, healthcare providers, advocates, breast cancer survivors, and interested public joined together to share their experiences and concerns, and to re-energize one another in our efforts against the disease. Special topics focused on new treatment directions, addressing the unequal burdens carried by racial and ethnic minorities in dealing with breast cancer, and advancing our knowledge about the impact of the environment in breast cancer.
2005: From Research to Action: Seeking Solutions
Held September 9-11 at the Sacramento Convention Center.
During the 2005 symposium, more than 500 people came together to focus California's attention on one of the biggest threats to the lives of young and middle-aged women in our state—breast cancer. Roughly half of our attendees were researchers and half were general public and healthcare providers, which allowed for the spirited exchange of ideas between researchers and the people most affected by breast cancer, as well as increased networking opportunities between the diverse attendees. Highlights of the symposium included discussion about the inequalities in breast cancer, exciting new methods for detecting and treating the disease, and the latest research results from CBCRP-sponsored projects.
2003: From Research to Action: a Decade of Progress
Held September 12-14 at the San Diego Convention Center and the Westin Horton Plaza, the The fourth statewide symposium hosted by the California Breast Cancer Research Program was an unqualified success.
The symposium featured workshops in topics such as the breast cancer basics (for non-scientists) and how to present your work to the media (for scientists); a panel discussion on the role the environment in breast cancer prevention; and late breaking research results from CBCRP sponsored investigators. We take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the success of the event -- breast cancer advocates, artists, exhibitors, community members, speakers, moderators, expert scientists and medical professionals, our staff, council members, volunteers, funded researchers, and the many others who joined us to discuss important breast cancer research issues.
View details of the 2003 Symposium.
Breast Cancer Course for Researchers On March 26-27, 2003, The Susan Love MD Breast Cancer Research Foundation, in partnership with the California Breast Cancer Research Program, hosted its first-ever Breast Cancer Course for Researchers: An Interdisciplinary Review of the State of the Science. More than 100 researchers, including geneticists, basic scientists, surgeons, and epidemiologists, attended the conference, which provided a unique opportunity to learn about and discuss breast cancer science from an array of research perspectives.
For a summary of the proceedings:
2002: From Research to Action
Rescheduled as a result of travel fears following the events of September 11, 2001.
The March 2002 Symposium was held at the Oakland Convention Center with a record-breaking 600+ participants. Faith Fancher, Emmy-winning television news reporter on KTVU/Fox Channel 2 and a breast cancer survivor, provided inspiration as our keynote speaker.